June 11, 2024

We have just completed the last installation of equipment and fixtures in the Apollo Observatory. Special thanks go out to Rick and Jeff of Dark Dragons Astronomy who provided the design and the majority of the labor on this project that Jim has wanted for so long.

This was their prototype of their MiniLair observatory and you can find the design drawings in their forums here.

With the observatory complete, new astrophotographs will be added to the astrophotography gallery as they're taken and processed.

April 15, 2024

Our team took a trip from North Carolina and Virginia to southern Illinois to join hundreds of others to experience the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.

Unfortunately, Jim's camera was knocked out of focus so none of his eclipse photos turned out. However, his traveling companion, Corrie Ann Delgado of Wild Sky Astronomy managed to get a lot of nice pictures that she has allowed him to process and share here.

Just click on the astrophotos link to see these and other pictures in the astrophotography gallery.

December 19, 2023

We're pleased to announce that Planet of Mystery will offer limited edition prints taken by our astrophotographer, Jim Craig

These prints will be signed and numbered and mailed to you rolled in a mailing tube to avoid creases.

Each print will be limited to 50 prints afer which no more will be offered.

Just click the link in the menu above to see what's available.

UPDATE: This offer has been discontinued.

June 9, 2023

After problems with our previous web hosting, we've moved to a new provider.

It seems that we generated a bit too much traffic for a free hosting service.

You get what you pay for.

Be that as it may, expect new content as we move forward with production, tutorials and (we hope) some fun stuff to come!