Production Services

In addition to planetarium production, Planet of Mystery also provides a wide variety of video, audio and graphics production services specializing in the unique needs of the planetarium community.

Video Production
From live action to CGI animation and special effects, we can do it all. Using software such as Blender, Hit Film and others, we can produce video for use in your planetarium and exhibits. We can also help punch up your videos for YouTube, Facebook and other online outlets.

Voice Over/Voice Acting
Whether you need straightforward narration or character voices, we can meet your needs. We can provide our own voice actors to do the work or network with others in the field to make sure your production has the right voice to tell the story you want to tell.

Video Encoding
When you purchase or download programs from us or other producers, you're often left with thousands of individual images that need to be encoded into a useable program. We can take those frames and encode them into video to be used in Spitz SciDome XD, Konica-Minolta Super Mediaglobe and other systems. We will work with you to make sure that the programs you purchase look their very best on your dome.

Script Writing and Review
Have a story to tell but can't come up with the right words? We can help you produce a script that tells your story. And if you already have a script, we can look it over to help you tighten the language, check your research and make sure that your story gets told in the proper way.